Balkan Studies Center (BSC) was established at the International University of Sarajevo (IUS). BSC's mission is to motivate and support the academic community, policy-makers and the public in the promotion of scholarly research and policy-analysis related to the Balkans history, political economy, culture, literature, arts and architecture, foreign policy and security that will inevitably lead towards tolerance, understanding and regional cooperation.
The Balkans, with its rich history, diverse culture, and complex political landscape, has always been a focal point of intrigue and scholarly interest. Founded in 2014 at the International University of Sarajevo (IUS), the Balkan Studies Center (BSC) is committed to advancing the study and understanding of this remarkable region.
For article submissions, as well as any inquiries, you are welcome to write to Papers should be written in English. All accepted papers must go through a language editing process, but the authors are strongly advised to have their manuscript checked before submission. The text should be black, justified and written in Times New Roman, 11 pt font and 1.5 line spacing, margins 2.5 cm. BSC generally accepts comment and opinion papers up to 1500 words (not less than 750 words). The citations and references must be according to APA style. It is requested that authors save and send their papers in MS Word in order to avoid difficulties when opening the file. Any publication under BSC can be used free of charge for personal and educational purposes with full respect of author’s and publisher’s rights.
Kratka Historija kulture Bošnjaka
Bosanski Jezik
Kratka politička historija Bošnjaka
Alija Izetbegović
Bošnjaci o Bosni i sebi-Izbor iz Bosnjačke Književnosti i estetike
Kratka historija Bošnjaka
Kratka historija Islama u BiH
Kratka historija bošnjačke književnosti
Kratka historija Armije Republike BiH
Genocid nad Bošnjacima