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Event Activities

Balkan Studies Center
Balkan Studies Center

Event Activities

25 April 2024

Interactive Forum "Waqfs 2.0: Youth Perspective"

The Waqf Directorate and the International University of Sarajevo (IUS) are jointly organizing the Interactive Forum "Waqfs 2.0: Youth Perspective".
27 September 2023

Roundtable invitation: "Aggression, not a civil war. The character of the War in BiH 1992-95"

14:00      IUS Conference Room
You are cordially invited to participate in a Roundtable: "Aggression, not a civil war. The character of the War in BiH 1992-95"
27 September 2023

Book launch invitation: "Telegrams to Angel Palmeras" by Jasmin Hodžić

11:00      IUS Main Amphitheater (Building A)
Book launch: "Telegrams to Angel Palmeras" by Jasmin Hodžić Date: December 26, 2018 Time: 11 a.m. Venue: IUS Main Amphitheater (Building A) Speakers: Dr. Jasmin Hodžić
18 December 2015

BSC Round Table on - Albanians and their Political Future in the Balkans

15:00      Senate Room
Balkan Studies Center held its 5th Round Table session on Friday, 18
Thesis Defense
26 November 2015

Crisis of Governance in Global System and the Case of Balkans

10:00      Senate Room
Balkan Studies Center hold its 2nd and 3rd Round table together on the 27th of November 2015 in IUS Senate Room, due to the tight schedule of the speakers wh
12 November 2015

BSC Round Table on the New Government in the Federation of BiH

15:00      Senate Room
Balkan Studies Center hold its 2nd and 3rd Round table together on the 27th of November 2015 in IUS Senate Room, due to the tight schedule of the speakers wh
14 January 2015

The Relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey with an Emphasis on Economic Cooperation

14:00      IUS Main Amphitheater (Building A)
Balkan Studies Center organized a lecture titled “The Relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey with an Emphasis on Economic Cooperation”, in the main amphitheater of the 
18 December 2014

Preservation of the Ottoman Architecture in the Balkans

15:15      IUS Main Amphitheater (Building A)
Within the Center for Balkan Studies at the International University of Sarajevo (IUS), Prof. Dr.

International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
