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Collaborative Horizons: IUS BSC and Balkan Studies Foundation Forge Partnership

Collaborative Horizons: IUS BSC and Balkan Studies Foundation Forge Partnership

In an effort to strengthen academic connections and foster collaborative research initiatives, the International University of Sarajevo (IUS), through its Balkan Studies Center (BSC), and the Balkan Studies Foundation (North Macedonia), formally entered into a Memorandum of Understanding on February 19, 2024. The memorandum, signed with the aim of promoting mutual cooperation in academic education and research, outlines various areas of collaboration to facilitate genuine and mutually beneficial exchanges.

Key provisions include joint research endeavors, enabling the exchange of faculty, research members, and scholars between the two institutions. Additionally, both parties will engage in the exchange of research materials, academic information, publications, and research data to enhance scholarly activities. Technical assistance in academic and scientific matters will be provided to support collaborative research efforts. The agreement also encourages the organization of joint scientific and academic activities such as conferences, symposiums, seminars, and congresses, with scholars from both countries invited to contribute to these events, promoting interdisciplinary dialogue and knowledge exchange.

Furthermore, joint cultural and social public activities will be conducted to actively engage with the public and promote awareness about Balkan studies and related fields. By formalizing this partnership, the IUS via its BSC and the Balkan Studies Foundation aim to enrich academic discourse, foster cross-border collaboration, and contribute to the advancement of Balkan studies and related disciplines. This memorandum signifies a commitment to promoting academic excellence and cultural exchange in the Balkan region and beyond.

International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina
